Tuesday 12 July 2016

Five terms in the life of a high school rock band

NZ Writer
Saradha Koirala
Lonesome When You Go
Mākaro Books 2016 $25.00hb 238pp
ISBN 9 7809 9412 2374 9
Themes: Changes/ Competitions/ First Person Narratives/ High School Life/ Rock Bands 
Vox Pop, a talented and enthusiastic high school rock band, is determined to win the national rock band competition. Told in the first person by Paige, a bassist, the whole story pounds with the beat of the band (not surprising considering the writer’s experience in the field) and tells of the time (covering five school terms) leading up to the National Finals. The other people in the band all have their very real problems but it is mainly the story of a young woman who knows what she wants and is not afraid to go for it.
Google the writer’s name for some interesting background and a Utube interview
Year 8 up/ Age 12 up

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